soblue achieves quantum leap in efficiency of PVT-based energy systems and shows companies the way to economic decarbonization and energy independence

With highly efficient photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems, soblue is now making decarbonization in the residential and industrial sectors economically viable: the patented soblue Multi-NRG Panel Type 144 CF achieves up to 20 % higher electricity yields compared to standard PV modules with the same surface area and converts up to 65 % of the irradiated solar energy into usable heat. In total, this corresponds to four times the energy yield of PV and up to three times the energy yield of solar thermal on the same surface area. The special design of the collector is decisive for this top performance; the soblue engineers dispensed with an actual heat exchanger with absorber and instead bring the heat transfer medium water into full-surface and direct contact heat exchange with the PV module. Thanks to the outstanding heat exchange capability, the PVT panels generate large amounts of sustainable energy in an environmentally friendly way even in low solar radiation, cloudy or cool weather and at night, making their operators independent of external suppliers and the unpredictable price trends on the energy market.

Generate electricity and heat at the same time

Covering energy requirements where they occur and doing so as completely as possible from renewable sources such as the sun supports the efforts of many companies to become more sustainable and economical. As a leading manufacturer of innovative and powerful PVT systems, soblue has been researching and developing a PVT solution for years that generates electricity and heat from a single module, thus maximizing the use of incident solar energy. Compared to conventional PV modules, the patented soblue Multi-NRG Panel Type 144 CF (nominal output: 440 Wp electrical and 1350 Wp thermal) uses a higher proportion of solar radiation (around 16 %) to generate electrical energy and an additional 65 % of solar power to generate thermal energy.

Highly efficient heat exchange

The soblue Multi-NRG module achieves its unusually high efficiency of 81 % of the solar energy under ideal conditions through direct and full-surface heat exchange within the collector. Water is fed into the panel from below without high system pressure, heats up over the entire surface and without intermediate layers directly as it rises through the panel and is discharged again at the top. soblue does not use water glycol, high system pressure in the PVT collector or additional heat exchangers behind the PV module - instead, the glass/glass PV module itself serves as a heat exchanger, allowing the water to circulate over the entire surface in an open, unpressurized system. The warm water then flows back into the storage tank and is transferred via the heat exchanger to the brine circuit of the heat pump and the building services. The heat pump then brings the heat introduced to the desired temperature level for a wide range of heating applications, such as heating or hot water.

The outstanding heat exchange capability also enables the soblue system to be used for room cooling: the PVT modules can efficiently radiate the heat by recirculating it at night - thus making the thermal energy usable for cooling the interior rooms.

Cool PV cells produce more electricity

An important side effect of this heat exchange principle: the photovoltaic cells of the soblue PVT system are cooled by the efficient circulation of water on the roof and achieve a higher electricity yield. Thanks to this built-in protection against high temperatures, the cells also have a longer service life.

Energy management from soblue

The PVT system is controlled by the intelligent soblue energy management system, which centrally regulates the entire energy generation via the multi-NRG panels and, if necessary, other energy sources such as geothermal energy, wood heating or heating networks. The system optimizes storage and guarantees the needs-based distribution and use of electricity and heat - this minimizes energy consumption, increases efficiency and helps to reduce costs. The user can effectively monitor the energy flows remotely using an online tool with user-friendly data visualization and storage.

Full-service support

soblue supports its customers in all phases and from the very first hour. From needs analysis and planning of the individual PVT system to installation of the multi-NRG panels and commissioning and handover, soblue is a full-service contact partner. In particular, customers who are coming into contact with this new PVT technology for the first time benefit from soblue's expertise in the planning and implementation of large-scale systems.

Economical and less dependent on external energy

The soblue PVT system is exceptionally economical, especially for buildings with high energy requirements. These primarily include residential complexes and office buildings, but also hotels and restaurants as well as sports and leisure facilities. Other important target customers are energy-intensive companies in the process industry and grid operators. With a soblue system, dependence on external energy can be sustainably reduced and a very high degree of energy self-sufficiency and energy price stability can be achieved.

All information on the soblue Multi-NRG Panel Type 144 CF and soblue's PVT services can be found at

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